2. Machine installation
1) Fully understand the process in Machine instruction manual.
2) Prepare work process, and perform pre-inspection.
3) In cooperation, all involved persons must be able to communicate..
4) Check that all of necessary implements and tools are prepared.
5) Use standard devices and tools.
3. Power supply
1) Fully understand the process in Machine operation manual.
2) Always check that there are no obstacles against operation in and around the
3) Check the electric cabinet doors are closed.
4) A momentary power stoppage due to a power failure or lightening can cause an
Therefore, turn off the main power if abnormal fluctuation of power is anticipated.
5) If the machine stops due to a power failure, turn off the main power immediately.
4. Warming up
1) Prepare the extra program for warming up.
2) Perform the warming up before daily operation of machine.
3) Perform checking and inspection of each device's function during warming up.
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