Tuning to the TV
Once you have carried out the steps in ‘Setting up your video’ (diagram 1 on page 2), switch on
your TV.
on the remote control and RF52 will
be displayed on the front of your video.
CH 25
If you have connected your video through the scart connection (diagram 2 on page 2), go to
step 2.
If you have connected it through RF cable (as shown in diagram 1 on page 2)
Select a free channel on your TV and manual tune the channel until the blue screen as shown
in step 2 appears. Refer to the TV manual for more details.
PR01 P-01
PR08 P-08
PR02 P-02
PR09 P-09
PR03 P-03
PR10 P-10
PR04 P-04
PR11 P-11
PR05 P-05
PR12 P-12
PR06 P-06
PR13 P-13
PR07 P-07
PR14 ----
Unless you are living in an area with poor reception, ‘Auto Set’ or
‘ Auto Search’ tunes in all the stations you can receive in your
country and sorts them in a common order, for example, BBC1 on
programme 1, BBC2 on programme 2 and so on.
See page 10 and page 11 if you need to change any of the
automatic settings. You should finish the auto set before you go
to page 10 or page 11.
The clock is also set automatically. If the clock has not
been set, the clock setting screen will appear.
Please see “ Setting time and date” on page 7.
If you want to change the station names, see page 10.
If you want to change the programme locations see page
11. You need to change programme locations if the
stations are not in order, for example, BBC1 on programme
1, BBC2 on programme 2 and so on.
to end.