Specifications .................................................................................................. 1
Satety Checking After Servicing .................................................................... 2
1. Insulation resistance test
2. Dielectric strength test
3. Clearance distance
4. Leakage current test
Important Service Notes ................................................................................. 3
1. X-RAY radiation precaution
2. Safety precaution
3. Product safety notice
4. Service notes
General Adjustment ........................................................................................ 4
1. General
2. Vertical height adjustment
3. Focus adjustment
4. RF AGC adjustment
5. High voltage check
6. X-RADIATION protection circuit test
7. White valance adjustment
8. Convergence magnet assembly positioning
Leadless(chip) Instruction &
Cleaning and rubrication of deck mecanism ................................ 7
1. Leadless(chip) component removal instruction
2. Leadless(chip) component identification
3. Cleaning and rubrication of deck mechanism
Mechanical disassembly(DECK) .................................................................... 9
1. Top view
2. Bottom view
3. F/L mechanism view
4. General removal view
5. Mechanical checks/Gear alignment
6. Tention checks
Mechanical Adjustments ............................................................................... 22
Shape & Equipment of DVN-14/20F6N ......................................................... 24
1. DVN-14F6N/DVN-20F6N
2. Panel view
3. Remote controller
Electrical Adjustments ................................................................................... 29
1. Servo
2. Audio
3. Video