Duct installation requirements for all blowers:
• All duct work (including screws and duct tape) shall be
purchased by the customer.
• In planning new duct work, always look for the shortest,
most direct route to the outside. (See Pg. 7.)
• You can increase duct size over the duct run if desired.
To prevent backdraft, never decrease duct size.
• Do not rely on duct tape alone to seal joints. Fasten all
connections with sheet-metal screws, then tape all joints
with certified silver tape or duct tape.
• Use sheet-metal screws as needed to support the ducting.
Vertical center line of rear exhaust knock out lines up with vertical
center line of chassis
On 46” and 48” wide models, the vertical center line of bottom knock-
out lines up with vertical center line of chassis
On 30” and 36” wide models, the vertical center line of bottom knock-
out is offset 3”
Side Exhaust Knock Outs (1
x 16)
Bottom Exhaust Knock Out (1
x 16)
Front of unit
26" (66.0 cm)
6 1/4"
(15.9 cm)
1 1/8"
(2.9 cm)
Exhaust Knock-out Locations for Use with REMP- and ILHSF-Series Blowers
• To avoid backdraft, the duct outlet may required a damper.
• Ensure duct work does not interfere with joists or studs.
• With concrete slab construction, “box in” the duct work
and blower wiring to prevent crushing or other damage
when concrete is poured.
• Cross-drafts or air currents from adjacent open windows
or doors, heating-/air-conditioning outlets, ceiling fans,
and recessed ceiling lights reduce vent efficiency.
• System exhaust location (Pg. 8) must account for
snow buildup where applicable.
Installation Specifications