6. Installation Sensetion soil moisture sensor
Use the auger to drill and undersized hole with a depth of at least 40 cm at the selected spot in the
field. If you are experiencing resistance when drilling, choose a different spot in the field.
Place the Sensetion soil moisture sensor in the undersized hole with a light downward pressure and
turn it clockwise into the soil up to the black marker line using the twist tool. When twisting, don’t
move sideways and don’t place your full weight on the soil moisture sensor. Make sure you keep the
plug of the sensor cable clean.
7. Open the Dacom Advice app and activate the Sensetion
Minimum of 1 unit per irrigation zone
Near or in between plants
Dry climate: driest location in the field
Moderate climate: average location in the field
Sprinklers: don’t overlap
Driplines: near drippers (25 cm)
Don’t place near the roads
and/or spraying path
a. Open the Dacom Advice app and press ‘
Log in
Screw in soil until marking