DHCP, DNS and Time
Dlink DRO-220i User Guide
2.4.2 Dial Up Dial Up - Connection Settings
This is to select different types of connection settings i.e. 64kbps, 128kbps etc. If the
connection type is changed then again appropriate changes need to be done depending on
the new connection type selected.
Dial up
Connection Settings
to select different types
of connection settings i.e. 64 kbps, 128 kbps etc,
Connection Settings for WAN2 Interface
My Phone Number
“My Phone number” is user's own telephone number with an area code
included if ISDN port is directly connected to the phone socket.
Otherwise if it is connected to a PBX, then provide the MSN (phone
number) stored in the PBX. E.g.: If the area code of user is 080 and phone
number is 26788835 then enter 08026788835 in this field. It can be of
maximum 14 digits.
Layer 2 Protocol
For this protocol, the parameter is set as HDLC.
Layer 3 Protocol
For this protocol, the parameter is set as Transparent.
For this protocol, the parameter is set as Sync PPP.
Connection Type
Users can select among the available connection types in the dropdown
list depending on his/her requirement.
128K Dialin/Dialout-User can configure dial out and dial in 128k.
64K 64K Dialout-User can configure first channel (B1) for dial out
and second channel (B2) for dial in.
2-64K Dialout-Users can configure two channels (B1& B2) with two
different dialout configurations.
2-64K Dialin-Users can configure two channels (B1& B2) with two
different dialin configurations.
BOD Dialout-User can configure Bandwidth on demand for dialout
Dial On Demand
Dial on demand feature allows the system to dial automatically whenever
there is traffic on the WAN2 interface. This feature will be enabled only
when the connection type is 64kbps dial in & dialout or 2-64kbps dialout
or BOD dialout.
High Water Mark &
High Water Time
These parameters specify the conditions under which the second channel
will be activated. When the utilization of the first connected channel goes
over the High Water Mark and passes the High Water Time, the
additional channel will be activated. The link speed will then be 128kbps.
The default value for High water mark is 56 kbps and the default value
for High water
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