Parameters host_timeout <sec 1-1225>
Specifies the
maximum amount of time a host can be a
member of a multicast group without the Switch
receiving a host membership report. The default
is 260 seconds.
router_timeout <sec 1-600>
Specifies the
maximum amount of time a route can be a
member of a multicast group without the Switch
receiving a host membership report. The default
is 125 seconds.
query_interval <sec 60-600> -
Configures the
interval between general queries sent. By
adjusting the query interval, the number of IGMP
messages can increase or decrease; larger
values cause IGMP queries to be sent less often.
Default is 125 seconds.
response_time <sec 10-25> -
Specifies the
maximum allowed time before sending a
responding report. Adjusting this setting effects
the "leave latency", or the time between the
moment the last host leaves a group and when
the routing protocol is notified that there are no
more members. It also allows adjustments for
controlling the frequency of IGMP traffic on a
subnet. Default is 10 seconds.
robustness_variable <sec 1-255> -
This allows
adjustment for the expected packet loss on a
subnet. If a subnet is expected to be lost, the
robustness variable may be increased. The
robustness variable can not be set to zero, and
SHOULD NOT be one in a normal case. Default
is 2 seconds.