D-Link DCS-6915 User Manual
Section 3: Advanced Configuration
Client Settings
Clicking the Client Settings button
will bring you to the following screen which allows
you to configure the basic protocol options for your camera.
H.264 Media Options
Video and Audio can be viewed at the same time or separately.
H.264 Protocol Options
For additional information about streaming options please see page 41.
UDP Unicast:
Stream to a single computer.
UDP Multicast:
Stream to multiple computers using multicast
Provides higher quality video streaming than UDP and provides error correction.
However, transmission speed will be reduced.
Offers the highest image and video quality. However, packet loss will diminish image
quality when bandwidth becomes restricted. If the network is protected by a firewall and it
opens only HTTP port (80), HTTP protocol must be selected. In this mode, audio is disabled
and only video can be viewed. UDP connections will not be available to remote users if all
four ports have not been forwarded "Port and Access Name Settings" on page 38. Only the
HTTP port must be forwarded for remote users to make an HTTP connection (video only).
Saving Options
Select the folder where you would like the file saved on your desktop computer.
File name prefix:
Enter a file name prefix for the saved files.