CNC Z32 - Programming Guide (LATHES)
Variable pitch threading (G34, G35)
The term “variable pitch threading” indicates a threading whose pitch is not constant, but varies continuously
according to a determined variation quantity.
The variable pitch threading is programmed through two different G functions:
G34 K.. I..
pitch threading
G35 K.. I..
pitch threading
All descriptions related to the fixed pitch threading (G33) remain valid also for the variable pitch threading (G34 and
= initial threading pitch (mm or inches) This parameter can be programmed in the same block of G34/G35, or in
preceding blocks.
Warning: if the K parameter is newly programmed in subsequent blocks, when G34/G35 is active, an
abrupt pitch variation is encountered.
= pitch increment expressed in mm/round or in/round. This parameter can only be programmed in the same line of
G34/G35. The parameter is always positive and assumed as absolute value if programmed as a negative
In G34 mode, it expresses the increment in mm or inches imposed on pitch K at every round.
In G35 mode, it expresses the decrement in mm or inches imposed on pitch K at every round.
Warning: if the continuous decrement of K brings to a negative value, the alarm CN1F13 will be issued
(in real time).
Threading movements with a fixed or variable pitch may be executed in sequence: the threading pitch will
continuously vary or remain constant, or it will have a discontinuity, depending on the threading function and
parameters programmed.