CNC Z32 - Programming Guide (LATHES)
If different from zero, the final contour is not executed, but a rapid exit from the final point of the first pass,
up to the intersection with the profile, with direction given by the NU angle (referred to the first axis of the
plane, axis Z).
If I=1, the return path is along the preceding pass. In this case the 30 degrees exit is not executed, but a
contouring up to the preceding pass, then a rapid return.
Store the programmed FEED for the roughing pass. If not programmed, or equal to zero, the programmed
F is assumed. The roughing movements will be executed with feed NF, while the contouring movements
along the programmed profile, will be executed with the programmed F.
Programming method
The roughing macro consider the profile to be roughed contained between two N labels, identifying the start and
the end of the profile.
The N number corresponding to the profile start is passed to the macro through the NX parameter.
The N number corresponding to the profile end is passed to the macro through the NY parameter.
It is possible to define the profile to be roughed in every line of the part-program, also after the end of program
instruction M2.
In questo caso, il profilo da sgrossare è
definito dopo l’M2.
In questo caso, dopo l’esecuzione della
macro di sgrossatura G907 il part-
program termina (istruzione M2)
G907 NX10 NY20 … … …
profile to be roughed
In questo caso, il profilo da sgrossare è
definito prima dell’M2.
In questo caso, dopo l’esecuzione della
macro di sgrossatura G907 il part-
program prosegue.
Nel caso a lato, dopo la sgrossatura
viene effettuato un cambio utensile e
l’esecuzione del profilo.
G907 NX10 NY20 … … …
profile to be roughed