CNC Z32 - Programming Guide (LATHES)
Diametrical programming (G107)
Specific function for lathes.
Modal, active at reset for lathes, cancels and is canceled by G106.
After G107 the X position and the associated J parameter are considered as diameters (i.e. the physical movement
is the half). Example (valid for lathes):
N1 G107
N2 G0 X10 (X axis goes to pos. 5, diameter 10)
N3 G106
(radial programming)
N4 X10
(X axis goes to pos. 10, diameter 20)
N5 G107 X10 (X axis goes to pos. 5, diameter 10)
Axis movement with alarm CNxx12 (G119)
In order to allow for the semiauto or jog movement of axes with transducer alarms (type CNxx12), the G119
function has been introduced, with the following characteristics:
Valid only if programmed in a semiauto line (MDI)
Modal, transparent to reset
If G119 is active, all transducer alarms type 12 are ignored.
The function is automatically reset if an auto program is started or after an attempt to execute a
subprogram (also related to a special M) from semiauto.
The axes with alarm type 12 can be moved in jog or semiauto, proceeding as follows:
Enter in semiauto
Digit G119, press ENTER and then START
Press RESET (all transducer alarms disappear)
Operate normally in semiauto or jog
When G119 is active, the software limits are disabled on all axes, because the transducers may measure
not significant positions, possibly disabling the movement. The operator is in charge to have the maximum
awareness in order to avoid collisions and damages.
In every case, as safety precaution, the Z32 automatically enables the TEST condition (rapid reduction to
1/5) when G119 is active.
Working field limits (G123)
With G123 it is possible to limit the working field through the programmed positions of continuous axes (logical
number from 0 to 12).
G123 is only active on the final programmed positions of linear movements. The intersection between movement
and limit position is not estimated, but only the substitution (or the test depending on the mode) of the final
programmed position.
For each continuous axis it is possible to define a working field, defined through an upper and a lower limit, which
limits the programmed positions after the processing of all transformations (G121, scale factors, etc.).
At machine power on, all limits related to G123 are disabled.
Limits setup:
The functions G123 KA1 and G123 KA-1 allow to program the positive (KA1) and negative (KA-1) limits:
G123 KA1 [X...] [Y...]