“x y” is the location of the image to be displayed. Coordinates are referenced
from the top left corner of the window and the size extends from the top left
corner of the image to the right and downwards.
“base-image” is the image file for base image which is displayed during the
“idle-image” is the image file for idle state
“trouble-image” is the image file for trouble state
“alert-image” is the image file for alert state
“alarm-image” is the image file for alarm state
“Window” is the window number which this parameter belongs to.
Only one of the images is displayed in the same location, depending on the
current alarm state, so the images must be of the same size.
<PARAM NAME=”State1”
VALUE="300, 430, /comfort/base.gif,
/comfort/idle.gif, /comfort/trouble.gif, /comfort/alert.gif, /comfort/ alarm.gif,
This places the image at (300,430) and the selected image file will be displayed
depending on the alarm state.
VALUE="x, y, webcam-image, ip-address,
destination-port, subnet-mask, source-port,window">
This parameter is used to place a camera icon on the web page and allow the
user to view the images on the camera. Only a network camera with its own
web server may be used, i.e. one that has an Ethernet port with a built-in web
server, like Axis and Samsung Webthru. These products have models which act
as camera servers which allow several normal CCTV cameras to be connected.
The camera server is connected to the same local area network as the CWM
and must belong to the same subnet according to the subnet mask.
“x y” is the location of the image to be displayed. Coordinates are referenced
from the top left corner of the window and the size extends from the top left
corner of the image to the right and downwards.
“webcam-image” is the image file for the camera.
“ip-address” is the local IP address of the camera.
“destination-port” is the port number of the camera web server, usually 80.
“subnet-mask” is the subnet mask for the local network e.g.
“Source-port” is the port number of the camera web server when accessed from
the Internet. CWM is able to do “port forwarding” from the Internet. As there
will only be one public IP address assigned when it is connected to the Internet,
access to the camera will use the same public IP address with a port name. Port
forwarding translates the IP address:port address to a local IP address and
allows several local IP addresses to be accessed using a single public IP
address. The port numbers should be what was specified in the setup
Comfort Webserver Module CWM02