Network & Email Setup
IP Address:
Displays the current IP address assigned to the CTM. The user can change the IP in the Network Setup page. Default
IP setting is
Subnet Mask:
Displays the current subnet mask set in the CTM. The user can change this parameter in the Network Setup page.
Default setting is
Displays the current gateway IP address set in the CTM. The user can change this address in the Network Setup page.
Default gateway IP setting is
Displays the current primary DNS address set in the CTM. The user can change the address in the Network Setup page.
Default DNS setting is
Displays the current secondary DNS address set in the CTM. The user can change the address in the Network Setup page.
Default DNS setting is
SNMP Target:
Displays the current SNMP target address and port number set in the CTM. The user can change the address in
the Network Setup page. Default setting is
SNMP Community Str:
Displays the current SNTP community string set in the CTM. The user can change this setting in the Net-
work Setup page. Default community string is public.
SMTP Port:
Displays the current SNTP port set in the CTM. The user can change the port number in the Network Setup page.
Default port number is 25.
From Email:
The current email address in which CTM alerts will be sent from.
Send To 1:
Primary email address for email alert recipient. All alarms and settings changes will have an email generated and sent
to this Email address. The user can change this setting in the Network Setup page.
Send To 2:
Secondary email address for email alert recipient. All alarms and settings changes will have an email generated and
sent to this Email address when entered. Changes for this setting can be made in the Network Setup page.
GPS Receiver Status & Environment
Here the status of the GPS timing pulse will be displayed. If the antenna is tracking more than 3 satellites, the CTM will
display FIX. When the GPS receiver can see WAAS enabled satellites, the CTM will display WAAS LOCK in this location. If no
satellites can be seen by the receiver, NO-FIX will be displayed.
Antenna Power:
Displays the status of the antenna. The antenna must be connected prior to the CTM being powered up. Other-
wise the CTM will not recognize the antenna.
Displays the number of satellites the GPS receiver can currently see. At least 6 satellites must be visible to the CTM for
proper GPS timing.
Sig S/N (dB):
This field displays the current GPS signal to noise level in dB. Antenna S/N noise floor needs to be about 35db in
order to locate satellites. The number you see displayed on the web page is an averaged for different 4 satellites that the GPS is
using for mathmatical calculations. Ideally you want is to see 6 to 8 satellites being tracked. The S/N number will drop off dramati-
cally, suddenly, when the cable gets too long, but is more an indicator of spectrum noise around the antenna. You should see the
S/N in the 45 to 50db range, about 55 is max. If you have low S/N and a reasonable-length cable (and a working antenna) then the
problem is either a bad cable joint or too much noise in the GPS spectrum (around 1.5GHz). You may also experience some rain
fade issues but this is generally limited to instances of the most extreme percipitation. Water in the antenna cable will rapidly kill the
GPS signal also. As you also found out, the antenna has to have a clear view of the sky, as much as possible.
Displays current latitude position of CTM gathered from the GPS receiver. You must have visability of at least 4 satellites
before this field will show actual coordinates.