Instruction manual
Page 17
Technical Characteristics
Transmission Modes
Fibre Optic Link:
Multimode 62.5/125µm 820 nm: budget 15 dB i.e. 4 km @ 3dB/kms
Multimode 62.5/125 µm 1300 nm : budget 12 dB i.e. 8 km @ 1.5dB/kms (option)
Single mode 9/125 µm 1310 nm Led : budget 14 dB i.e. 40 km @ 0.35 dB/km
Single mode 9/125 µm 1310 nm Laser : budget 23 dB i.e. 65 km @ 0.35 dB/km
Single mode 9/125 µm 1550 nm Laser : budget 29 dB i.e. 120 km @ 0.23 dB/km
ST, FC, SC or SFP connector.
Proprietary link, or standard IEEE C37.94 for the FOSE11 at 64k with this mode.
V11/X21 Interface:
Rates: 64 to 8192 KBPS
Signal I: forced or active when connected
Clock: Network, terminal or internal, normal or inversed edge.
64k with the standard IEEE C37.94 mode.
V35 Interface:
Rates : 64 to 8192 KBPS
signal DSR, CD, CTS : forced or active when connected
Clock :Network, terminal or internal, normal or inversed edge
V28 Asynchronous Interface:
Rates : 0 to 115,2 KBPS
signal DSR, CD, CTS : forced or active when connected
V28 Synchronous Interface:
Rates : 1.2KBPS to 128 kBPS. (1.2KBPS; 2.4K; 4.8K; 9.6K; 19.2K; 38.4K; 48K; 56K; 64K; 128KBPS)
signal DSR, CD, CTS : forced or active when connected
Clock :Network, terminal or internal, normal or inversed edge
General Characteristics
L x W x H: 260 x 170 x 35 mm (Desktop).
Weight :
rack card FO 8000 and FO SERIAL: 0,4 kg
Desktop with internal power supply FO 8000: 0,7 kg
Desktop with external power supply FO 8000: 0,6 kg + power supply: 0,45 kg
Desktop with internal power supply FO SERIAL: 1,25 kg
Desktop with external power supply FO SERIAL: 1,2 kg + power supply: 0,45 kg
Maximum power consumption:
5 Vdc : 800mA
Desktop with external power supply PVx :30 mA / 230Vac and 60 mA / 110Vac
Desktop with internal power supply PIx : 30 mA / 230Vac and 60 mA / 110Vac
Desktop with internal 24-48 Vdc converter - PCx : 150mA. / 24-48 Vdc
Operating temperature: 0°C up to 45°C.
Storage temperature: 0°C up to 70°C.
Hygrometry: 90% non-condensing
Compliant to European safety standards: EN60950.
Compliant to European EMC standard: EN 55022 (B) and EN 50082 –1