Instruction Manual
FO 8000
Page 22
10.3. Appendix C : Warranty, General Conditions
Material and software are warranted by CXR, transportation prepaid, for a period of
two years
from the shipping date, under the following
1. Material and software warranty
Comes into effect only if the warranty card duly completed has been returned to CXR within one month from the delivery date.
2. Material
CXR will repair its equipment during the warranty period at no cost to the customer, provided the products have not be subjected to
improper installation, accident, misuse, neglect or unauthorized alterations.
3. Software:
When applicable, CXR guarantees the supports on which the software is stored, against any manufacturing defect under normal use and
against wrong handling by the user and within the limits as defined by the technical services. Included in wrong handling are erasing of one
or more files, formatting of one or more diskettes.
On the other end no guaranty applies to the use and results of applications, which integrate the software. All risks to the application results
and performances are the responsibility of the user and not CXR.
4. Documentation
The guaranty does not cover the use and content of the documentation. CXR has no responsibility as regards the maintenance, repair or
replacement of the product documentation.
5. Technical support
CXR provides, free of charge, a telephone technical assistance during normal office hours, during
one year
from the date of delivery.
6. New product versions
CXR reserves the right to sell at any time, improved or modified software issues of its application software. The cost of the updates will be
available from CXR.
All the above is the only warranty given by CXR for its products and excludes any other warranty of any kind expressed or implied including
but not limited to the proper character of marketing or particular use.
User License and Software Guaranty
License and Propriety rights:
The product purchase price includes the software license. Under reserve of payment of the purchase price and commitment to conform to
the terms and conditions of the present document, CXR grants to the customer the non-exclusive right to use and load on a PC one copy in
one location. The customer is the owner of the magnetic supports and manuals delivered. CXR maintains the propriety rights of the
software saved on disks as well as all the copies and installations generated from this software.
Reproduction and Transfer Restrictions
The application software is protected by copyrights. Any transfer to a third party, unauthorized copying including modifications, incorporation
in other software or supporting documentation are strictly forbidden. The customer could be charged with legal
proceedings for not complying with this copyrights
Usage Restrictions:
The application software can be used on only one machine at one time. Any modification, translation, de-assembling or publication of
document from these products without previous written authorization from CXR is strictly forbidden
This license remains valid until cancellation and will be automatically voided without notice by CXR if the customer does not comply with the
terms of the license. In case of cancellation, the customer will return immediately to CXR all documentation and products including copies
and installations.