User Guide
4 - 3
Revision 1.0
Install (ARINC Tray)
1. Place CNS4 (Figure 4.3) on ARINC tray.
Figure 4.3
CNS4 Mounting - ARINC Tray
2. Slide CNS4 back so mounting pins engage chassis holes.
3. Pivot mounting knobs up so they capture J-hooks.
4. Rotate mounting knobs (Figure 4.4) to secureCNS4 to tray.
5. Connect Ethernet cables to front panel connectors GBE0 through GBE3.
6. Connect power / RS-232 cable to front panel power connector.
Remove (User Defined Mount)
1. If applicable, turn 28VDC power supply OFF.
2. Disconnect power / RS-232 cable from front panel power connector.
3. Disconnect Ethernet cables from front panel connectors GBE0 through GBE3.
4. Rotate mounting knobs to release CNS4 from mounting surface.
5. Pivot mounting knobs down / away from J-hooks.
6. Slide CNS4 forward so mounting pins disengage chassis holes.
7. Remove CNS4 from mounting surface
Remove (ARINC Tray)
1. If applicable, turn 28VDC power supply OFF.
2. Disconnect power / RS-232 cable from front panel power connector.
3. Disconnect Ethernet cables from front panel connectors GBE0 through GBE3.
4. Rotate mounting knobs to release CNS4 from ARINC tray.
Mounting Pin
Mounting Knob