Current/Total/Max Users:
View only field. Specify:
Current registered user number.
Total registered user number.
Max Users: Maximum available registered user number, default 10.
Account State:
Press Spacebar to Enable or Disable this User Account.
User Name:
Specified the authorized user login name, up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Enter desired user password, up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Retype Password:
Enter password again for double check.
Enter a unique description for the User, up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
This is mainly for reference purpose only.
IP Security:
Press Spacebar to Enable or Disable the IP security function.
If Enable, user may access the converter switch only through the management station which
has exact IP address specified in below IP address field.
If Disable, user may access the converter switch through any station.
IP Address:
Specify the IP address used for IP Security function.
Console Level:
to select desired privilege for the console operation
Available operation privileges,
Full access right include maintain user account & system information,
load factory setting, etc.