Each microphone amplifier has it’s own limiter. To adjust the limit threshold select
the required microphone to adjust, the cursor will move to show the selection. Press
up or down to adjust the threshold to suit. If no limiter is required in circuit then
adjust the limiter to it’s maximum threshold of 0dBFS
Mixed O/P
This allows selection of each microphone to the mixed output. It is important that if
a mic amp is not in use that it is deselected from the mixed output as otherwise the
inevitable ‘open mic amp’ hiss will be added to the mix.
This returns to the previous menu.
This selects the More menu as below.
More menu
Mix limiter
This is used to set the limiter threshold for the mixed programme output. This limiter
is inserted after the individual commentator limiters and is available to limit the
overall mix. If not required just set the threshold to 0dBFS.
Tone Gen
This generates tone with interrupt identification on each line at -18dBFS.
Idents as follows:
Commentator A :
1 break every 3 seconds
Commentator B :
2 breaks every 3 seconds
Guest :
3 breaks every 3 seconds
Continuous tone.
When Tone Gen is selected the comms box is effectively disabled apart from tone
To signal this all the lazy keys will flash alternate red and green. Just press ‘Off and
back’ to return to normal operation.
Each output may be selected to tone on or tone off. Frequency may be changed
between 1kHz, 2kHz and 400Hz to enable differentiation from other tone sources.
TB Setup
Gain may be adjusted up or down on the talkback output circuits. Useful for sports
such as snooker where the commentary may be quiet but a higher level may be
useful for the talkback outputs. Gain range is 0 to+12dB.