Ana Line In 1 to 6 :
Rear analogue inputs to Dante network
Mixer A Output :
Dante audio mixer A output
Mixer B Output :
Dante Audio mixer B output.
Dante Receivers
Input Com A1 to A8 :
Inputs to commentator A volume controls.
Input Com B1 to B8 :
Inputs to commentator B volume controls.
Input Guest G1 to G4 :
Inputs to Guest volume controls.
Ana Line Out 1 to 4 :
Rear analogue outputs from Dante Network.
Mixer A inputs 1 to 2 :
Dante Audio mixer A Inputs.
Mixer B inputs 1 to 2 :
Dante Audio mixer B Inputs.
Accessing the DCD2020 web page
The Dante web page may be accessed using the Dante assigned IP address of the
DCD2020. If you are using a fixed IP address then you already know what the IP
address is. If you are using DHCP the address may be found using Dante Controller
and selecting Device Info. Dial this address (ie. into your web
browser and the webpage will appear.
If your network is suitably set up it is also possible to access the web page using the
where dantename is the name that appears for the DCD2020 in Dante Controller. If
this does not work it is outside the scope of this document and down to your
network setup, please ask your IT guy/gal or use the IP address.
Any number of DCD2020s may be viewed at once in multiple browsers or tabs.