Transmission radius
Note that the CT-711 transmitter will transmit to CR-711 receivers on the same
channel/frequency within approximately 100 feet (30 meters). Transmission
radius and available channels/frequencies are subject to frequency traffic in
your area.
Adjust squelch level
Squelch mutes the transmission when no incoming signal is present. Squelch
level 01 is the least sensitive setting and squelch level 10 is the most sensitive
setting. If the squelch level is not set properly, participants may hear static if
the CT-711 transmitter is powered off.
Adjust the squelch level before handing out CR-711 receivers to participants
at your meeting or event by following the below steps:
Ensure that the CT-711 transmitter is powered off
Locate the CR-711 receiver and ensure that it is powered on
• Press and release the SET button five times to enter the squelch level menu
All units ship with the squelch level set to 01. The following display should
appear on the LCD screen:
Press and release the up button so that the squelch is set to Level 02. If you
no longer hear static, release all buttons until the following default display
appears on the LCD screen:
If you continue to hear static on Level 02, press the up button again to
advance to a level in which you no longer hear static
I cannot hear anything when listening with an earphone or headphone
connected to a CR-711 receiver
Ensure that both the CT-711 transmitter and CR-711 receiver are
powered on
Ensure that both the CT-711 transmitter and CR-711 receiver are
set to the same channel/frequency
If you have more than one transmitter powered on, ensure that
they are on unique channels and that you are operating on the
non-interference channels/frequencies as instructed on
page 12
Ensure that you see a speaker symbol on the screen to the left of
the channel
If you do not see the speaker symbol, you may be experiencing
interference on that channel. Switch both the CT-711 transmitter
and CR-711 receiver to a different channel/frequency. Ensure
that you switch both units to the same channel/frequency.
Ensure that the battery level is at 100% on both the CT-711
transmitter and CR-711 receiver
• Ensure that the earphone or headphone plug is firmly seated in
the CR-711 receiver
• Ensure that the microphone plug is firmly seated in the CT-711
transmitter. If using any y-cables or adapters, ensure microphone
plug is firmly seated in the y-cable and/or adapter. Then ensure
adapter is firmly seated in CT-711 transmitter.
Ensure that antennas mounted on top of the CT-711 transmitter
and CR-711 receiver are not loosened
When I power down the CT-711 transmitter, I hear static when listening with an
earphone or headphones connected to the CR-711 receiver
Adjust the squelch level (see page 22)
CH: 001
Battery level at 100%
Battery level below 50%