Depth Sounder
An electronic depth-finding instrument, measuring the time a
sound wave takes to go from the vessel to the bottom and
return, then displaying the result in feet, fathoms or meters.
Displacement Hull
Type of hull that plows through the water even when more
power is added.
The depth of the vessel below the water line, measured
vertically to the lowest part of the hull.
Mats, boughs, pieces of wood or other loose materials
placed under or among goods carried as cargo in the hold of
a ship to keep them dry and to prevent their motion and
chafing; cushioning or padding used in a shipping container to
protect fragile articles against shock and breakage; baggage
or personal effects.
An outgoing tide.
The breakup of metals due to the effects of galvanic corrosion.
Objects placed along the side of the boat to protect the hull
from damage.
The outward spread of the boat’s sides from the waterline to
the rail at the bow. Also, a pyrotechnic signaling device that
can indicate distress.
Fore / Forward
Toward the bow.
The vertical distance measured on a boat’s side from the
waterline to the gunwale.
The kitchen area of a boat.
Give-Way Vessel
The one which must stay clear of vessels which have the
The upper edge of a boat’s side. (pronounced gunnel.)
An opening in a boat’s deck for persons or cargo to go below.
A marine toilet.
The wheel or tiller by which a ship is steered.
Holding Tank
Storage tank for sewage, so that it will not be pumped
overboard into the water.
More toward the center of a vessel; inside; a motor fitted
inside the boat.
Inland Rules
Rules of the Road that apply to vessel operation in harbors
and certain rivers, lakes and inland waterways.
Waterways (ICW)
Bays, rivers and canals along the coasts (such as Atlantic and
Gulf of Mexico coasts), connected so that vessels may travel
without going into the open sea.
General Information
Owner’s/Operator’s Manual
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