Section 1
Owner’s/Operator’s Manual
All obligations of Crownline are specifically set forth herein. Crownline does
not authorize any person (including agents, employees and dealers of Crownline) to
bind Crownline to any warranty concerning its boats, other than as herein stated, or
to assume any liability in connection with boats manufactured by Crownline.
Crownline’s obligation with respect to this limited warranty is limited to making repairs
to or replacing the defective parts and no claim for breach of warranty shall be cause
for cancellation or rescission of the contract for sale of any boat manufactured by
Crownline shall have the sole right and discretion to determine
whether to repair or replace any defective parts or components covered by
this limited warranty.
Due to a continuing program of product development and improvement,
Crownline reserves the right to change or improve the design of its boats without
obligation to modify any boat previously manufactured and also reserves the right to
change specifications, features and prices without prior notice.
No brochure, pamphlet or other written or pictorial presentation constitutes a
warranty or representation as to any aspect of Crownline’s boats or products.
Except as provided in paragraph 11 above, this limited warranty and the
provisions set forth herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Illinois.
This limited warranty applies only to 2007 model year boats manufactured by
11884 Country Club Road
West Frankfort, IL 62896
(618) 937-6426
Crownline Boats, Inc. provides as part of our Signature Class Coverage a five year
engine warranty. The first two years of coverage are provided by the engine supplier
as Crownline is a certified OEM installer. Years three through five of extended
coverage are provided by BPPC at 5125 County Road 101, Suite 200, Minnetonka,
MN 55345. BPPC contact and warranty information is included with each boat at the
time of purchase. Additional or duplicate information may be obtained by contacting
BPPC at 1-800-950-3808 or online at www.boatwarranty.com
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