CCpilot V700
Revision: 1.0
Technical Manual
For proper operation it is important to keep the light sensor opening clean and with free
Using the touch screen
To reduce the amount of reflections when operating under sunny conditions, the touch screen’s
protective glass is covered with an anti-glare film. Do not use any sharp or abrasive objects
when interacting with the touch screen.
Basic usage of the capacitive touch screen should be intuitive for most users. Note that the
touch screen is capable of handling two simultaneous touches.
Status notification
The CCpilot V700 contains a status LED in the front used for notification while starting up,
shutting down or in other operational states. The buzzer may also be used for user
notifications. See Table 1 for a description of the status notification behavior for different
operational states.
Table 1: LED and buzzer indication for different operational states
Operational state
LED indication
Buzzer notification
Device off
Power applied, device off
Starting up
Yellow flashing, 2 Hz
Short beep
Operating (started up)
Static green
Yellow flashing, 0.2 Hz
Shutting down
Static green
Rescue mode, starting
Static orange
Short beep
Rescue mode, running
Green flashing, 2 Hz
Serial download mode (OS update)
Yellow flashing, 0.5 Hz
Forced update mode (OS update)
Orange flashing, 0.5 Hz
SS firmware update mode
Static yellow
Observe that the status notification behaviour in both the start-up and operating states is
configurable by user applications running on the device.
Error codes
The status LED in the front is also used for indicating error codes by emitting a blue blinking
pattern after shutdown of the device. The device may be started again when in this mode, by
the key switch signal. Depending on the nature of the error, the device may start or go back
into error indication.
When an error occurs, the device is immediately shut down and the error is reported by
blinking a specific number of times corresponding to an error code (see table of error codes).
The blinks will be in a continuous sequence of 1 Hz blinks, with a longer pause of two seconds
after the specific number of blinks, allowing the end user to count the number of blinks. Refer
to Figure 1 below for an example.