Harnesses and connectors selected must be compliant
with manufacturer’s instructions, and must be of compatible
size and configuration. Snap hooks, karabiners, and other
connectors must be selected and applied in a compatible
fashion. All risk of disengagement must be eliminated. All
snap hooks and karabiners must be self-locking and self-
closing, and must never be connected to each other.
See Diagram B page 8.
A pre-planned rescue procedure in the case of a fall is
required. The rescue plan must be project-specific. The
rescue plan must allow for employees to rescue themselves,
or provide an alternative means for their prompt rescue to
minimise post fall suspension time. Store rescue equipment
in an easily accessible and clearly marked area.
Training of Authorised Persons (APs) to correctly erect,
disassemble, inspect, maintain, store, and use equipment
must be provided by a CP. Training must include the ability to
recognise fall hazards, minimise the likelihood of fall hazards,
and the correct use of personal fall arrest systems.
NEVER use fall protection equipment of any kind to hang,
lift, support, or hoist tools or equipment, unless explicitly
certified for such use.
Equipment subjected to forces of fall arrest must immediately
be removed from use.
Age, fitness, and health conditions can seriously affect the
worker should a fall occur. Consult a doctor if there is any
reason to doubt a user’s ability to safely withstand fall arrest
forces or perform set-up of equipment. Pregnant women and
minors MUST NOT use this equipment.
Physical harm may still occur even if fall safety equipment
functions correctly. Sustained post-fall suspension may result
in serious injury or death. Use trauma relief straps to reduce
the effects of suspension trauma.
RTFA MUST NEVER be used in
Leading Edge (LE) applications. ALWAYS avoid
lifeline contact with sharp or abrasive edges and
surfaces, both during use and in event of a fall.
Never run or jump whilst attached to the unit, walking
at a steady pace will ensure that the device does not
sense a fall.
Ensure the lifeline is free to extend and retract from the
device, and that the brake engages with a sharp jerk,
before use. The line between the user and the device
must be taught at all times.
For RTFA Dual Kits, assemble and use RTFA
according to instruction sheet provided with Dual
RTFA Bracket.
If using RTFA with scaffold hook, RTFA housing must
always be attached at harness dorsal D-ring. Scaffold
hook must ONLY be connected to structural rebar, or
other structural anchor (such as angle iron or concrete
form) deemed compatible by a Competent Person.
All components of the personal fall arrest system must
be selected and deemed compatible with RTFA by a
Competent Person.
Ensure area where work is to be performed is free of all
hazards, including, but not limited to, debris, rot, rust,
sharp or abrasive edges and surfaces, and hazardous
Anchor point must be located above harness D-ring at a
sufficient height to prevent freefall.
Attach RTFA housing to anchor point with provided
karabiner, or equivalent EN362:2004 compliant connector,
and attach lifeline connector to applicable harness D-ring.
Ensure that the hook of the device is secure in the harness
D-ring and that the gate of the hook is locked.
To use RTFA with housing at harness, attach the
anchorage connection point to the dorsal D-ring via the
provided karabiner, dual RTFA bracket or equivalent
EN362:2004 compliant connector, then attach lifeline
connector to suitable anchorage point.