Rev 12-31-2018
To shut down the Pendant, select
Shutdown Pendant
from Spikemark. Once the Pendant display is
blank it is safe to unplug the Pendant.
Occasionally the Pendant will need to be rebooted. Select
Reboot Pendant
from Spikemark, once
rebooted reconnect from the Pendant display.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Pendant is unresponsive you will need to pull the accessory cable to
restart. This method requires the Pendant to be unplugged for approximately 45 seconds before it
will restart
When updated firmware is released, it can be installed to the Pendant from Spikemark by clicking
Update Pendant Firmware
If you encounter issues while using the Pendant select
Get Pendant Log
and follow the prompts.
Once downloaded to your computer email the Pendant log, along with the current show file and the
last three Spikemark logs to [email protected].
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