Duration and Shape
The Function Generator is a variable modulation source outputting between 0
and +5v. The shape of the output is created using two main controls, ATTACK
KNOB and DECAY KNOB. The ATTACK KNOB sets the amount of time the function
generator takes to reach 5v and the FALL KNOB sets the amount of time the
function generator takes to return to 0v. These controls determine both the
duration and shape of the function generator. A short attack with a long decay
creates a saw like wave. Matched attack and decay times will generate a
Response Modes
The function generator will respond to an incoming gate or CV signal differently
based on the selected mode. There are 3 modes to choose from.
1. Sustain Mode
Sustain Mode allows the function generator to act as an attack, sustain, release
envelope, a slew generator, or an envelope follower.
A gate or CV signal
patched into the F IN JACK initiates the attack stage. Once the function
generator has reached the end of the attack stage, the output is sustained as
long as the gate signal patched into the F IN JACK remains high. The decay stage
is triggered once the incoming gate or CV signal drops to 0v. The envelope
generated in sustain mode can be retriggered at anytime during the attack,
sustain, or decay stages.
2. Trigger Mode
Trigger Mode (or Sustain Mode Off) can be used to create a two stage attack,
decay envelope, gate signal delay or clock divider.
The internal circuitry
responds differently than sustain mode when triggered. The attack stage of
trigger mode is triggered with a gate or trigger signal patched into the F IN JACK
over 2 volts. Some CV signals may trigger the function generator as long as the
waveform has a sharp enough rising slope. In trigger mode, the function
generator will not retrigger during the attack stage, however the envelope will
retrigger during the decay mode. This quirk allows the function generator to work
as a clock divider by adjusting the attack stage to skip over or miss a set number
of incoming gate signals.
Function Generator
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