Three Channel Mixer
Each channel is able to mix inverted or non-inverted versions of the incoming signal. The
sum of channels 1, 2, and 3 are passed to the MIX JACK output.
The + OR JACK compares the voltage level of the three mixer inputs and passes the
voltage of channel with the highest voltage. This typically creates a chaotic, semi-random
voltage source.
Three Independent Attenuverters
Channels 1-3 work as independent audio or CV signal attenuverters. Patch out of the 1
OUT JACK to remove channel 1 from the MIX JACK output. Patch out of the 2 OUT JACK to
remove channel 2 from the MIX JACK output. If 1 OUT JACK and 2 OUT JACK are used, the
MIX JACK is channel 3 only.
If 1 OUT JACK and 2 OUT JACK are used, the + OR JACK works as a half wave rectifier for
channel 3 cutting off the negative portion of the waveform.
One Attenuverter and a Two Channel Mixer
Channel 1 or 2 can be used as an independent attenuverter with the remaining channels
working as a two channel mixer.
The + OR JACK compares the voltage level of the two remaining mixer inputs and passes
the voltage of channel with the highest voltage.
Multi-Function Mixer
(2 of 2)