45. Use hot glue and glue the spars in the slots making sure they are touching each other and well glued to the wood brace.
46. Cut the ailerons in the center of the wing so there is a 1" gap on each side between the aileron and fuselage so there is room to
attach the rubber bands to the rear dowel. This leaves the back trailing edge thicker for the rubber bands.
47. Use hot glue and glue the fiberglass tongue blades in place on the front and back center of the top of the wing to keep the rubber
bands from cutting into the foam and to reinforce the joint in the wing.
48. Lay out your aileron servos so the servo wires overlap 2" in the center of the wing and the servos are as far apart from each other
as the servo wires will allow. The pictures below show servos in a laminated wing.
49. I prefer to keep their weight forward by mounting the servos close behind the spar on the bottom of the wing.
50. Servos will be connected to the receiver in the middle of the wing with a "Y" connector plugged into the aileron plug on the receiver.
51. Cut the holes to install the servos vertically or on their side being careful not to cut completely through the wing.
52. Make a razorblade slit from each servo to the center of the wing.