7. Canopy Assembly.
page 7
Locate 2 screws on underside of hanging
bracket and remove screw closest to the
open end of the hanging bracket. Partially
loosen the other screw. Lift canopy to
hanging bracket. Place rounded part of
slotted hole in canopy over loosened
screw in hanging bracket and push up.
Twist canopy to lock. Re-insert screw that
was removed and then tighten both
screws securely.
Slide canopy cover up to canopy, aligning
rounded part of slotted holes in canopy
cover with screwheads in bottom of
canopy. Turn canopy cover to the right
(clockwise) until it stops.
hanging bracket
canopy cover
8. Blade Attachment.
Align holes in blade with the 3 blade
screws pre-installed on the blade arm.
Press down on the blade firmly enough
so that the blade screws come through
the holes in the blade.
: Be careful not to use so much
force that the blade arm bends.
Place the y-connect blade assembly
piece on the top side of the blade so
the narrower end of the y-connect
blade assembly piece faces toward the
part of the blade with the holes (
shown in drawing at right
Please note
the side of the y-connect blade
assembly piece indicating THIS SIDE
Slide y-connect blade assembly
piece onto the blade screw showing at
the end of the blade. Rotate y-connect
blade assembly piece
to lock into place.
Repeat Section 8 for each blade.
blade arm
blade assembly
blade arm