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Physical-chemical parameters of the pool water:
the pool water treatment chemicals currently on the market are compatible with the materials used for
the construction of the heat pump, provided that the physico-chemical characteristics of the water
comply with the following recommendations:
pH between 7 and 7.4
hydrometric title (TH) below 20 ° C
Cyanuric acid content (stabilizer) below 80 ppm
Free chlorine concentration from 1.0 to 1.5 ppm
Concentration of free bromine from 1.0 to 1.5 ppm
These characteristics must be verified at the beginning of the season, before circulating the water
in the heat pump, then regularly during the period of operation.
"Shock" treatment of the pool water: if you perform a "shock" treatment of the pool water, it is necessary
to isolate the hydraulic circuit (by acting on the by-pass valves) on which the heat pump is connected,
before starting to increase the disinfectant concentration and wait for this value to return to normal
before re-opening the valves.
To limit heat dispersion in the pipes connecting the pump to the swimming pool circuit, it is recommended
not to move the heat pump more than 10 meters away from the swimming pool.
Beyond a certain length, the pipes must be buried at a sufficient depth (take into account the risk of
ground freezing according to the local temperatures encountered) and adequately insulated
Call a qualified electrician to carry out this step.
Make sure that the voltage, the number of phases and the supply frequency correspond to the
characteristics of the heat pump (compare the table).
Make sure that the section of the power cable complies with the electrical characteristics of the installed
Place a device with residual current of 30 mA at the head of the heat pump supply line.
The active conductors of the power supply line of the machine must be protected by a magneto-thermal
switch or by fuses of the rating recommended in the following table.
Ensure proper placement of the machine.