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The air emitted by the fans must not be re-aspirated, not even partially: for this
reason, the machine must not be installed in a place confined by a set of walls, even if the distances
indicated above are respected.
The heat pump must not be directly exposed to prevailing winds.
The distance that separates the heat pump from the pool must not be excessive (preferably less than
10 m) in order to limit heat losses in the pipes connecting to the pool's filtration circuit.
Access to the heat pump must be practical, in order to facilitate maintenance operations, which may
require the transport of heavy materials.
Water must not accumulate at the foot of the heat pump in case of rain and the condensation resulting from
its operation must be evacuated correctly (note: any condensation at the foot of the heat pump is proof of
correct operation ; in no case can it be considered as a loss of coola
Il supporto della pompa di calore deve
essere stabile e solido:
Ground installation: best prepare a concrete slab about ten cm thick, at least the size of the machine
Installation in height: the support and its fixing on the wall must resist the weight of the machine
(with a safety margin) without deformation. The solidity of the support must not be compromised by
the oxidation of its materials over time
The hydraulic connections must not be constricted by the pipes: the pipes must be placed on the
ground on a rigid support, or buried, and rise vertically immediately next to the pump. They must not
exert overloads on the hydraulic connections of the same. Furthermore, it is advisable to use a rigid
pipe on the vertical part up to the machine and fix it solidly to the wall through fixing collars.