September 2018
Page 10
The typical failure mode for a turbine flow meter is failure to provide an output indication
of flow Troubleshooting this condition can be divided into two major sections: mechanical
and electrical
Mechanical Issues
Mechanical items to check when there is a failure-to-indicate condition:
• Is there flow present to the instrument?
Confirm all isolation and/or bypass valves are in the correct orientation to provide a
moving fluid stream to the unit Spectacle blinds and other blocking devices must be
removed in order to allow fluid to enter the meter and turn the rotor Flange gaskets
can also slip out of place during installation and block the flow stream
• Is there foreign material blocking the rotor?
Debris or solids allowed to enter the flow meter can easily stop the rotation of the
rotor Purging lines for construction debris should be performed with the instrument
removed from the line Remove the meter and remove all foreign bodies Typical debris
is Teflon thread tape, flux, rags and slug from the bottom of tanks Anytime upstream
pipe maintenance is performed, there is a potential of bearing contamination or
• Is there damage to the internal assembly?
Allowing solids to enter the meter or shocking the system with extreme pressurization
variations can damage the internal assembly such that the rotor will no longer rotate
Remove the meter and gently blow air through the meter Verify that the rotor can
freely move Do not use high pressure air or further damage can result If the rotor does
not rotate freely under minimal input, contact the factory for repair
Electrical Issues
Electrical items to check when there is a failure-to-indicate condition:
• Is the pickup or flow computer connected?
The pickup or flow computer must be connected to the data acquisition system for
signal to be received Often, a break is encountered in the cable run rather than at the
• Is power supplied to the pickup or flow computer?
Several models of pickup and all flow computers require supply power to operate
Consult the applicable wiring diagram for your model and verify that supply voltage is
present on the correct conductors at the correct pins
• Is the electrical installation correct?
Many factors affect electrical installation including power and signal cable proximity,
shielding from adjacent electrical noise sources, proper grounding, amplifier gain
settings, length of cabling runs, impedance matching of pickup and amplifier or
readout, shielding from excessive heat sources, and more Each installation is unique
and may require several iterations of troubleshooting to correct electrical issues
Badger Meter can assist in solving any issues that may arise Contact Technical Support