7.1 - Before starting
Before starting the appliance, it is necessary to perform the
operations indicated in the following chapters.
7.1.1 - User instructions
Instruct the user on the correct use of the appliance and of
the entire system in general. In particular:
Deliver the installation and use manual and all the
documentation contained in the packaging.
Inform the user about the correct adjustment of temperatures,
control units / room thermostats to save energy.
7.1.2 - Filling the heating / cooling circuit
To fill the heating system, make exclusive use of clean water
from the net water system.
WARNING!!! The addition of chemicals such as
antifreeze must be carried out in compliance with the
product instructions. In any case, these substances must
not be inserted directly into the device.
1.- Check that there are no water leaks from the fittings;
2.- Check that the air vent valve is open;
3.- Vent the heating elements.
7.2 - Emergency operation
WARNING!!! Emergency operation only guarantees
the domestic hot water function, in the event that the
plumbing system is made according to the diagrams in
Figure from 5-4 to 5-10.
WARNING!!! Do not set the temperature of the
digital thermostat to a value higher than 75 ° C.
If the control panel (Figure 8-1) stops working, it is possible to
guarantee a minimum level of domestic hot water, by operating
manually on the “digital thermostat” of Figure 3-1. To manually
activate the digital thermostat, proceed as follows:
1.- Press the button
for 3 seconds to start the digital
thermostat. When the thermostat is off, “- - -“ appears;
2.- After starting the thermostat, press
for 3 seconds to
see the set temperature value. The current value will flash;
3.- To increase or decrease the set temperature, press
while the value is flashing;
4.- After 6 seconds from the last pressure of the keys, the
value will stop flashing and the new value will be saved.
7.3 - Start up
To start the appliance proceed as follows:
1.- Power the appliance electrically;
2.- Wait until the display turns on and select the “Configurations”
icon (section 8.2);
3.- Access the “USER” menu (section 8.2.8);
WARNING!!! Changing these parameters could
cause malfunctions to the appliance and therefore to
the system. For this reason, only a technician who has
the sensitivity and in-depth knowledge can modify them.
4.- Select “Permission level” and enter the password: 8 7 6
5 4 3 2 1.
5.- Go to the “WORKING MODE” menù (section 8.2.9) and
activate the parameters according to the characteristics of
the appliance and the system.
7.4 - Choosing the heating / cooling
The appliance is supplied with manual switching heating and
cooling mode.
The appliance can be configured for:
- summer / winter remote switching;
- automatic switching according to the outdoor temperature;
- summer / winter remote switching with outdoor temperature
To choose one of these switching modes, refer to the “Heating
/ cooling switch” parameter in section 8.2.9.
Figure 7-1 - Digital thermostat