Figure 6-22 - Electrical connections of the indoor unit
1 - Main electrical supply (model 6 = 2,5 kW, 9 = 3,9 kW, 13
= 4,3 kW).
2 - Power supply of DHW electrical heater (1,5 kW), item “20”.
To enable it go to the the “BACK-UP” menu (section 8.2.10).
3 - Pump. P1. To enable circulator P1 access the menu
“WATER PUMPS” (section 8.2.11) and act on the
parameters relating to “P1”.
4 - Pump. P2. To enable circulator P2 access the menu
“WATER PUMPS” (section 8.2.11) and act on the
parameters relating to “P2”.
5 - DHW pump P3. The pump is always enabled and is
activated when there is a DHW demand.
6 - Power supply of the integrative electrical heater (3kW)
(DHW and heating) e heating integrative electrical heater
(3kW), item “33”.
7 - Outdoor unit
8 - Modbus communication
9 - Enable mixing valve (M51) circuit 1, via the parameter
“Mixing valve” in “ZONE 1” menù (section 8.2.1). When the
mixing valve is active, also connect the relative TV1 sensor
(item “15”).
WARNING !!! Use only mixing valves
with 0-10V control.
10 - Enable mixing valve (M51) circuit 2, via the parameter
“Mixing valve” in “ZONE 2” menù (section 8.2.1). When the
mixing valve is active, also connect the relative TV2 sensor
(item “16”).
WARNING !!! Use only mixing valves
with 0-10V control.
11 - ON/OFF remote control (Stop everything, including DHW).
It must be enabled by selecting “Electrical utility lock” in the
“ELECTRIC LOCK” menu (section 8.2.12).
12 - Cooling demand. It is enabled by going to the “WORKING
MODE” menu (section 8.2.9) in the “Heating / cooling
switch” parameter and selecting “External signal control”
or “External signal c outdoor temp.”. If you choose
the second option, you must complete the limits of “Outdoor
temp.“, as they have priority over external contact.
LEGEND of Figure 6-22: