6.17.1 - Electrical supply connection of
GB indoor unit
The electrical supply to the indoor unit is also supplied to the
outdoor unit (section 6.17.2).
To connect the electrical supply cable to the indoor unit,
proceed as follows:
1.- Use a double-insulated three-core cable, with a minimum
section of 2.5 mm2;
2.- Remove the casing of the indoor unit (section 10.24);
3.- Access the terminals block (item “29” of Figure 4-1);
4.- Lay the electrical supply cable;
5.- Strip the cable taking care to keep the earth cable (yellow-
green) 20 mm longer than the other two;
6.- Connect the yellow-green cable to the ground terminal
“PE” (item “1” in Figure 6-22);
7.- Connect the brown cable to terminal “L” (item “1” in Figure
8.- Connect the blue cable to terminal “N” (item “1” in Figure
Figure 6-23 - Access to the terminal block of
the STM outdoor unit
6.17.2 - Electrical supply connection of
STM outdoor unit
The electrical supply to the STM outdoor unit must be given
by passing through the GB indoor unit. To do this, proceed
as follows (refer to Figure 6-24):
1.- Remove the casing of the indoor unit (section 10.24);
2.- Remove the electrical connection cover of the outdoor
unit (Figure 6-23);
3.- Lay a three-core cable with a section of at least 2.5 mm2,
between the indoor and outdoor unit for lengths up to 10
meters. For longer lengths, the cable must be dimensioned
for the current absorbed by the appliance;
4.- Run the cable through a cable gland of the indoor unit;
5.- Secure the cable with the special cable gland in the
outdoor unit;
6.- Strip the cable at both ends, taking care to keep the ground
wire (Yellow-Green), 20 mm longer than the other two wires;
7.- Connect the yellow-green ground wire to the “PE” terminal
of the indoor unit and the outdoor unit;
8.- Connect the blue wire (Neutral) to the “N” terminal of the
indoor unit and to the “N” terminal of the outdoor unit;
9.- Connect the brown wire (Phase) to the “L” terminal of the
indoor unit and to the “L” terminal of the outdoor unit.