Service Manual Ponygraphic
Chapter 5
5.1.8. Serial Communication error
Reference Layouts: mother board P/N: C01350-01-15.
1. Verify if the serial cable is connected to the port configured on the PC software.
2. Open the 2 connectors of the serial cable and verify if the wires are properly connected
to the relative pins.
3. Replace iteratively the following components: U11, U1, U9
5.1.9. The keyboard doesn't work
1. Disassemble the Pony graphic Unit and verify if the keyboard PCB is properly
connected to the mother board.
2. Replace
5.1.10. The LCD Display back-light doesn't work
Reference Layouts: mother board
P/N: C01350-01-15
1. Note: the LCD back-light is automatically switched off during printing and one minute
later last key is pressed.
2. Turn on the Pony graphic and verify if pin 11 of U1 is about 5 Volt otherwise replace
3. Verify if the voltage between pin 2 and 3 of J3 is 90 VAC otherwise replace T1.