C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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If the operator chooses No, then the Parked Regen Needed will continue to scroll with the normal
operating screen. The prompt will automatically reappear after two minutes.
If the Operator chooses Yes, the controller will alert the Operator that the engine RPM may increase.
This is to allow for any application that may be affected by increased RPM. The Operator will press
enter to acknowledge.
The next prompt alerts the Operator that the regeneration requires the engine to be set to the
engine idle speed. The first screen is for the Operators acknowledgement of the process, the second
screen is the acknowledgement of the actual speed.
The Min selection is set by the ECU. The speed selection is the actual speed of the engine. The
down arrow key is utilized to lower the speed. Once the actual speed matches the min speed, the
operator presses the Enter key.