C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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Service Regen Level
The most severe level is the service regen level. At this level, the DFP lamp is blinking and the red alarm lamp
illuminates. When the service level is reached, the engine ECU has determined that the situation is severe and a service
regeneration is necessary. At the service regen level, the engine ECU may de-rate the engine or prevent it from starting
and the message shown below appears on the display.
Regen Inhibit
The panel provides
two methods for “inhibiting” a regeneration process. The first method is to
r “No” to the Regen Request message when it appears on the display. The second method is
to select
“Inhibit Regen” in the Emissions Configuration Menu (under Regen Options). The two
lable settings are “Auto” and “Inhibit Regen”.
The “Auto” setting allows the engine ECU to initiate the regeneration process as it requires. The
“Inhibit Regen” setting delays the regeneration process. The “Inhibit Regen” setting only delays the
regeneration process until higher levels of severity are reached. At higher levels of severity, the
engine ECU no longer accepts
the “Inhibit Regen” message from the panel.
When the “Inhibit Regen” setting is selected, the inhibit lamp illuminates.
DPF Lamp