Instruction Manual
IM1200-U v1.6
Pag. 3 / 48
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Contrel Elettronica Srl.
This documentation is consigned to the customer to enable the correct and safe operation of the instrument; any other use of documentation
is strictly prohibited.
The information contained herein is the property of Contrel Elettronica Srl, and by law, no part of it may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in
any retrieval system, or translated into any language by means (even for internal purposes by the customer) without the express written
permission of Contrel Elettronica Srl.
In addition, no part of this manual may be transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying and recording, for any purposes,
without the express written permission of Contrel Elettronica Srl.
In case of Copyright violation the customer is directly responsible.
The warranty is valid for the period of twelve months after material receipt.
The warranty covers free repair or replacement of equipment parts, which are recognized as faulty due to manufacturing defects.
Warranty does not cover those parts which results defective due to misuse or improper use, incorrect installation or maintenance, operation
by unauthorized personnel, damage during transportation, or which in any case do not show manufacturing defects of the equipment.
Not included in the warranty terms are technical interventions regarding equipment installation to electrical systems.
The manufacturer declines any responsibility for eventual injury or damage to persons, animals or things as result of failure to follow the
instructions in the user manual or caused by improper use of equipment.
The expenses of transport as well as the relative risks of same both to and from the place of repair, will be the sole responsibility of the user.
This warranty expires after the date of purchase and any assistance required after said date including spare parts, labour, transport of
personnel and material will be charged to the user following the tariffs in force for Technical Assistance Service at the time of such requested
In any case the replacement of the equipment as well as the extension of warranty after such breakdown is excluded.