5. About Software
AD12-16(PCI)E, AD12-16U(PCI)E, AD16-16(PCI)E
Using procedure
(1) In the combobox in the upper left corner, select the name of the device to be used. Then click the
[Set] button.
(2) Set the conversion conditions in the analog output setup dialog box.
When the output reaches the sampling count specified as the number of data setup sampling times,
an event occurs and the tool adds data. Click the OK button to set the conditions and return to the
previous dialog box.
(3) Click the [Start Measurement] button to start measurement. Various states will be displayed
during conversion.
FIFO sampling count:
Not-output conversion data loaded in memory. You can check this visually with the "memory
Event trigger sampling count:
An event occurs when the FIFO not-output sampling count reaches this value.
Adding sampling count:
Output data sampling count to be added in the event
The following errors may stop measurement.
Sampling clock error:
When the internal clock is used for conversion, this error indicates that the conversion speed is too
high for the driver to keep up with conversion.
When the external clock is used for conversion, the error indicates too fast a clock cycle or noise.
(4) Clicking the [End measurement] button terminates measurement.
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