5. About Software
AD12-16(PCI)E, AD12-16U(PCI)E, AD16-16(PCI)E
Using Utility Programs
Function execution speed measurement program
The function execution speed measurement program can be used to measure the execution times of some
major functions.
To use the function execution speed measurement program, click the [Execution Time Measurement]
button in the diagnosis program's dialog box.
Using procedure
(1) From the device list, select the device subject to measurement.
(2) Click the button labeled with a function key to measure the execution speed of that function.
For the AioMultiAi and AioMultiAo functions, select the number of channels to be used for
conversion from the list. For the AioGetAiSamplingData and AioSetAoSamplingData functions,
enter the size of data to be transferred.
Set the data size in kilobytes.
(3) Use the [End] button to quit the application.
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