4.3.5 Output Board Removal and
Output Board Removal:
1) Remove Top, Bezel and Processor Board.
Note: It is not necessary to remove power switch
connections from the bezel.
2) Remove the seven cables along the rear side
of the board and the three screws shown.
Note: The insulator
sheet provides an
important dielectric
barrier. For safe
operation, position
over center standoff as
Output Board Replacement:
1) Prior to replacing board, assure that the insu-
lator sheet is positioned properly as shown.
Spring contacts are exposed and
can be deformed, causing erratic
operation. Handle with care.
2) Replace board on standoffs.
3) Route cables as they were prior to removal
and connect them back to their proper con-
4) Replace and tighten the three screws.
4.3.6 RF Amp Board Removal and
RF Amp Board Removal:
1) Remove Top, Bezel and Transformer Board.
2) Remove the four screws that attach the
heatsink to the sheet metal chassis. One for
the handle, one on the back panel, and two
below the heatsink. Remove the two screws
that attach the board to the sheet metal chas-
sis as shown. Note: These screws are in
holes, not slots.
3) Unlatch three cables – two cables from the
RF Output Board and a cable from the RF
Power Supply Board.
4) Loosen the smaller hex standoff.
5) Slide RF Amp Board with heatsink off the
base as shown.
RF Amp Board Replacement:
1) Slide board with heatsink back into its previ-
ous position on the sheet metal chassis. The
heatsink has two pins that align into holes on
the sheet metal chassis.
2) Tighten hex standoff onto board. It provides
an electrical ground to Transformer Board.
3) Reinstall and tighten the six screws and latch
the three cables.