RC-1170/1270 Redundancy Switch Controllers
Revision 0
Front Panel Operation
Modes of Operation
RC-1170 (Future Feature)
The RC-1170 can operate in three different modes:
Single LNA/LNB
Dual singles
1:1 Redundancy
The RC-1270 can operate in four different modes:
Dual single
Triple single
1:2 switch controller
The single and dual modes are covered in Section
Single and Dual Mode (Future)
The unit remains in the Manual mode at all times for the single or dual modes.
If there is a failure of an LNA/LNB, the respective fault light will illuminate, but no switch over will
occur. The RC-1270 performs equally in this mode.
Because there are no indicator contacts from the waveguide switch, the online indicators will not
illuminate. For appearance purposes only, the indicator connections could be made in the J1
mating connector to simulate the waveguide switch. Refer to Chapter 1 for more information.
1:1 Configuration Mode
In this mode, two LNAs are connected to the same antenna feed through a waveguide switch.
Only one of the two LNAs can be connected online. The other LNA/LNB remains on stand-by,
although powered at all times.
Either one of the LNA/LNB can be online when the unit is switched from manual to auto mode.
In case of failure of the online LNA/LNB, the switch controller will change the waveguide switch to
the opposite position. The controller will then go to manual mode to prevent any future switch
backs to the failed unit.
If the stand-by LNA/LNB fails, the switch controller will switch from auto to manual mode.
Triple Single Mode (Future)
In the triple single mode, the auto/manual switch stays in manual position at all times. This allows
the unit to power three independent LNAs.
The redundancy feature of two separate AC power sources combined with two internal power
supplies is also an option in this mode.