Event Setup
PTZ Control
TN900R/TN900RW - User’s Manual
PTZ Control
Here you can manage your camera’s preset view points (or positions). And configure the patrol mode to let
the camera patrol the preset positions.
Figure 6-10. PTZ control page
Preset Points
Add Preset Points
To add a preset point, use the directional buttons to move the IP camera to the desired position. And
then type the name into the [Position Name] field, and press the [Add] button. If you would like to set the
position as preset Home position, please check [Use the current position as “Home”] button. The Home
position can be accessed on the live view page by pressing the Home button. If you want the camera to
always return to home position after a position change, check [Auto return to “Home“ position], input the
period of time (between 30 to 300 seconds) in which the camera stays in the new position, and press [Save].
Then whenever the camera changes to a new position, it will automatically return to its Home position
after this period of time expires.
Delete Preset Points
If you would like to delete a preset point, please select a preset point from the “Available Preset Points“
list. Before you press [Remove] to delete the selected preset point, you can click [Go To] button to move
the camera to the selected position and check the view in the preview window.