Glossary–4 UltraSCSI RAID Enclosure
A storage device tested in a specific configuration and found to be in
compliance with either an FCC or a CE certification standard.
Compaq certifies these devices to operate in a specific shelf,
enclosure, or cabinet.
Another term for a SCSI bus.
Command line interpreter. The operator interface to HSx series array
controller software.
A method of device replacement that requires that power be removed
from one or more shelves in a cabinet thereby affecting other devices.
Use this method during initial installation or StorageWorks subsystem
upgrades, or when conditions preclude using either the “warm swap”
or “hot swap” method.
See also warm swap and hot swap.
command line interpreter
Any connector that is physically part of a cable assembly attached to
backplanes or other nondevice connectors.
(1) A hardware-software device that manages communications on
behalf of host systems over the SCSI bus to devices. Controllers
typically differ by the type of interface to the host and provide
functions beyond those the devices support. (2) A standalone device
that connects a host adapter to the storage SCSI bus. This device
provides RAID functionality, typically has multiple SCSI bus ports,
performs the lower layers of the SCSI protocol, and normally
operates in the initiator role.
See also array controller.