Power Distribution
UltraSCSI RAID Enclosure 6–3
Three configurations exist:
Standard (n+1)
Redundant (n+4)
Optimum (n+4)
Standard (n+1)
This configuration has one redundant power supply for a total of five
power supplies. A single ac input box distributes ac power to all five
power supplies using power bus A. This configuration requires only
one ac power source.
Redundant (n+4)
This configuration has four redundant power supplies for a total of
eight power supplies. Two ac input boxes distribute ac power to four
power supplies on power bus A and four power supplies on power
bus B. This configuration requires only one ac power source that
supplies ac power to both ac input boxes.
Optimum (n+4)
This configuration has four redundant power supplies for a total of
eight power supplies. Two ac input boxes distribute ac power to four
power supplies on power bus A and four power supplies on power
bus B. This configuration requires two ac power sources, each
supplying ac power to a different ac input box.
AC Power Source
The ac input box requires one of the following ac power sources:
100–120 V ac, 60 Hz, single-phase, 12A
220–240 V ac, 50 Hz, single-phase, 6A
The optimum power configuration requires two separate ac
power sources, one for each ac input box. These ac power
sources cannot be on the same power distribution leg, use
the same circuit breaker, nor the same ac wall receptacle.
They must have a common ground.