DEC Text Processing Utility Program Development
5.6 Using DECTPU Startup Files
If you name your command file TPU$COMMAND.TPU and it is in your
default directory, DECTPU reads the file by default, without your having to
use the /COMMAND qualifier. If you name your file something other than
TPU$COMMAND.TPU, or if you put it in a directory other than your default
directory, you must use the /COMMAND qualifier explicitly and provide a full file
specification after the qualifier.
DECTPU reads a command file, compiles it, and executes any commands that do
not contain syntax errors. If there are errors, DECTPU writes an error message
to the message area. The command file can customize or extend the application
implemented by the section file with which you invoked DECTPU.
Example 5–6 is a sample DECTPU command file that defines a procedure that
moves the editing point to the beginning of a segment of text delimited by the
characters %(/* at the beginning and */)% at the end.
Example 5–6 Command File for GOTO_TEXT_MARKER
PROCEDURE goto_text_marker
LOCAL text_marker_pattern,
text_marker_pattern := ’%(/*’ + MATCH (’*/)%’);
text_marker_range :=
SEARCH_QUIETLY (text_marker_pattern,
GET_INFO (CURRENT_BUFFER, "direction"));
IF text_marker_range <> 0
POSITION (text_marker_range);
MESSAGE ("Text_marker not found");
RETURN text_marker_range;
If you name the file that contains this procedure TEXT_MARKERS.TPU, you can
invoke DECTPU with EVE and your command file with the following command:
$ EDIT/TPU/COMMAND=device:[directory]text_markers.tpu
If you add procedures or statements to the command file TEXT_MARKERS.TPU,
place all procedures before any individual statements that are not listed within a
procedure (for example, key definitions to move to the next text marker).
Remember to name your variables and procedures so they do not conflict with
DECTPU reserved words and predefined identifiers. Compaq recommends that
you prefix your variable and procedure names with three letters (your initials, for
example) followed by an underscore ( _ ).
5.6.7 Using EVE Initialization Files
An initialization file is a file that contains commands to be executed by an
application. Any application layered on DECTPU can support initialization files.
With EVE initialization files, you can do the following:
Use EVE commands in a startup file to customize editing sessions
DEC Text Processing Utility Program Development 5–25