Getting Started with DECTPU
2.6 Using OpenVMS EDIT/TPU Command Qualifiers
By default, DECTPU tries to read a command file called TPU$COMMAND.TPU
in your default directory. You can use a full file specification after the
/COMMAND qualifier or define the logical name TPU$COMMAND to point
to a command file other than the default.
To determine whether you specified /COMMAND on the DCL command line, use
the following call in the application:
x := GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "command");
The preceding call returns 1 if /COMMAND was specified, 0 otherwise. To fetch
the name of the command file specified on the command line, use the following
x := GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "command_file");
For more information on GET_INFO, see the DEC Text Processing Utility
Reference Manual.
The following command causes DECTPU to read a command file named
file for an editing session:
$ EDIT/TPU/COMMAND=sys$login:my_tpu$command.tpu letter.rno
To prevent DECTPU from processing a command file, use the /NOCOMMAND
qualifier. If you usually invoke DECTPU without a command file, define a symbol
similar to the following:
Using /NOCOMMAND when you do not want to use a command file decreases
startup time by eliminating the search for a command file.
If you specify a command file that does not exist, DECTPU terminates the editing
session and returns you to the DCL command level.
For more information on writing and using command files, see Chapter 5.
2.6.3 /CREATE
/CREATE (default)
The /CREATE qualifier controls whether a DECTPU-based application creates a
new file when the specified input file is not found. If you do not specify /CREATE
or /NOCREATE on the command line, DECTPU sets the default to /CREATE but
does not specify a default name for the file to be created.
The application layered on DECTPU is responsible for handling this qualifier.
To determine if you specified /CREATE on the DCL command line, include the
following call in the application:
x := GET_INFO (COMMAND_LINE, "create");
The preceding call returns 1 if /CREATE was specified, 0 otherwise.
For more information on GET_INFO, see the DEC Text Processing Utility
Reference Manual.
Getting Started with DECTPU 2–11