Glossary - 9
The user's data is distributed across the physical set of drives in a defined manner.
Redundant disk capacity is added so that the user's data can be recovered even if a
drive fails.
Describes duplicate or extra computing components that protect a computing system from
The probability that a device or system will not fail to perform its intended functions
during a specified time.
Remote Installation Service (RIS)
A tool that allows remote installation of Digital UNIX to Alpha systems through a local
area network.
Reduced instruction set computer. A processor with an instruction set that is reduced in
ROM-based diagnostics
Diagnostic programs resident in read-only memory.
Small computer system interface. An ANSI-standard interface for connecting disks and
other peripheral devices to computer systems. Some devices are supported under the
SCSI-1 specification; others are supported under the SCSI-2 specification.
A test that is invoked automatically when power is supplied to the system.
serial ROM
In the context of the CPU module, ROM read by the DECchip microprocessor after reset
that contains low-level diagnostic and initialization routines.
Single in-line memory module.