In the event of emergency, please follow these steps to successfully deploy the SQR reserve:
Grab the reserve handle with one hand vigorously.
Pull the handle out firmly in an upwards/sideways direction to release the handle closure (or any
other type of handle securing system), and pull the inner container and reserve out of the harness
compartment or external (front) container.
Throw the reserve aaw
waayy ffrroom
m yyoouurrsseellff aanndd tthhee ppaarraagglliiddeerr
as quickly and as forcefully as possible –
remembering to let it go! The reserve will then open!
IItt iiss ssttrroonnggllyy rreeccoom
meennddeedd tthhaatt aa ppiilloott aaccttiivveellyy pprreevveennttss tthhee ppaarraagglliiddeerr ffrroom
m iinntteerrffeerriinngg w
wiitthh tthhee
rreesseerrvvee iinn fflliigghhtt
. The best way to do this is to stall the glider by pulling both brake handles down,
taking wraps as necessary. This will help to stabilize the combined system, and minimise
disturbances of reserve behaviour such as swinging, scissoring, downplaning, or drifting sideways.
To avoid risk of injury, make sure that you do a
parachute landing fall
on landing, if possible.
If landing in water you should be aware that the air volume inside the harness back protection
system can cause the harness to float and turn your head down in the water.
After landing, make sure you control the reserve by pulling the apex of the canopy in with the central
lines if required. Strong wind can keep the reserve canopy inflated after landing and drag you across
the ground, perhaps causing injuries. Don’t forget to find and collect the reserve inner container - you
cannot repack the reserve without one. If you loose the container, please contact the reserve or
harness manufacturer to get a container that fits your system. Using a wrong container will affect the
airworthiness of your flying gear!
Содержание SQR
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